Response to Brooke
Thank you, your point is quite valid. I am glad you let me know that my article might be seen from that perspective. I wrote this piece specifically with young children in mind — ages 3–8 or so. In other words, pre-puberty decisions. Yes, I entirely agree that as puberty approaches, decisions about hormone blockers become time-sensitive. And that trans teens will most likely request/require HRT. And that some will choose surgical options at different points of their lives. But I just wanted to dispel a toxic narrative that anti-trans bigots constantly circulate, about parents subjecting young children to ‘irreversible’ hormonal and even surgical decisions. This is not something that happens in the case of a preschooler, or a young child. Even in their teen years, surgery is very rarely pursued before the age of sixteen, and almost universally takes place after the trans youth comes of age.