Transgender Rights

Men Rush to Chappelle’s Defense

It is simply astounding to hear cis straight men defend the most vile transphobic tripe under the guise of "jokes."

Cassie Brighter
3 min readOct 25, 2021


Shortly after defending homophobes and openly bragging about punching a woman for being a butch lesbian, Chappelle spent 34-minute on an anti-trans monologue which included exactly ONE joke — a joke Chappelle lifted from a dead trans woman. He told no jokes himself. Instead, he defended J.K. Rowling’s anti-trans stance, conflated sex & gender, worried aloud about a 'woman with a dick' next to him at a urinal, made a vulgar pantomime of a trans woman with a deep voice and a masculine stance, announced he’s "team TERF" (see, mocked trans women’s genitals as inferior ("not the real thing") and twisted the story of the suicide of a trans woman (who struggled with PTSD from childhood abuse, and had recently lost custody of her child) to center himself, his version turning her death into martyrdom in his defense — he the misunderstood hero, trans people a hateful mob.

He bizarrely implied that trans people are all privileged white men who switch genders just to escape accountability for racism (???). He compared the trans experience to blackface.



Cassie Brighter
Cassie Brighter

Written by Cassie Brighter

Activist. Public speaker. Writer. Community Organizer. Mom. Creator & Host, Empowered Trans Woman Summit. Managing Editor,

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